| JTS PURIM RESOURCES | Understand Purim more deeply through JTS scholarship. Explore commentaries, videos, and more on topics ranging from the role of gender in the Megillah to rare treasures from the JTS Library. | Learn more → | |
| AARON KOLLER OFFERS NEW INSIGHT INTO PURIM TEXT | The Book of Esther tracks a story that is very different than others in post Torah writings. With its focus on Diaspora community and no reflection on the Divine, it provides a fascinating launching point for exploring the ways in which the story is told and how it is retold in different forms. | Watch now → | |
| DEEPENING RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH MISHLOAH MANOT | There are only four obligations associated with the holiday of Purim. Mishloah Manot, giving food to friends, provides a way to connect with others through the holiday. Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie (RS alum) offers insight into the practice in this short video. | Watch the video → | |
Antisemitism and Allyship: Assessing the Present, Imagining the Future | JTS | APRIL 8 AND 9 | "Case Studies in the History of Antisemitism," "Religious Roots of Antisemitism," and "Campus Climates" are just a few of the many sessions being added to the schedule of this two-day convening focused on the history of antisemitism, Jewish responses to antisemitism, and allyship. | |
Between Two Worlds: Jewish War Brides After The Holocaust | ONLINE | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1:00–2:00 P.M. ET | After the Holocaust, many Jewish women survivors married military personnel as a way to move forward after unspeakable loss. Hear from the granddaughter of one of those women and dive into her book on the topic. | |
| PROZDOR TEEN LEARNING OPEN HOUSE | JTS | SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 10:00 A.M.–1:00 P.M. | 8th to 12th graders and their parents are invited to learn more about JTS’s Ivry Prozdor High School, the premier supplementary Jewish learning program for teens across the New York metropolitan area. | Learn more and register → | |
Torah: Where Is God? | | Our quest for the Divine is not a new one; we’ve been playing “hide and seek” with God since we left Egypt. | |